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Return to God’s Design for Masculinity
God is calling men from every tribe, tongue, and nation to return to His Design. In the last days, God will pour out the spirit of Elijah to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children. Jim and Mindy have a passion for men to return to God’s design for manhood, marriage, and family. In order to do that effectively, they plan to have their book, Masculinity by Design: Finding True North book and workbook translated into multiple languages because it will maximize the effect when a man can read this book in his native tongue. The first translation into Spanish for the book (Hombres Disenados por Dios: Descubriendo el verdadero norte), was completed in January 2024, and the translation for the Spanish workbook (by the same title), will be available Spring 2024, as well.
Jim is currently booking speaking engagements and events for churches and ministries that want to reach men at every age. His passion is to help them turn their hearts back to God the Father, and lead their homes according to God’s Design for Manhood. We believe this will restore hope in relationships, marriages, and families throughout the world. Please contact us to schedule James W. Bradford for events or speaking engagements.
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Matthew 6:33
“Because I was not raised in church, my foundation for what was morally right or wrong was nonexistent in my youth. I had no moral compass to guide me, and the needle of my life was spinning out of control. I needed to find God’s Design for my life. I needed to find True North.”
– Jim Bradford, Founder of Masculinity by Design
Author Bio
James W. Bradford, a father of three, has spent his life passionately speaking to men about their call to manhood according to God’s design. Jim endured a challenging home life in his early years, met the Lord in his early twenties, and lived a life of trials and traumas along the way. Through continued will and determination, Jim has shared many failures and successes from his time in the military, president of three multimillion-dollar companies, and youth pastor to point others to the power of Jesus.
Mindy Bradford, a mother of two, is a retired special-education teacher. She graduated in 1989 from Asbury University with a Bachelor of Arts in Education. In 2009, she earned her Master of Science in Special Education from Southern Illinois University. In church, Mindy has been involved in music ministry, children’s ministry, and short-term missions. She also has volunteered in various charity groups and ministries.