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Category Faith and Spirituality

The 4 T’s for Growth & Accountability
1. Thankful What do you have in your life that you are truly thankful for? Today, now. Most of will naturally respond with the common things we are thankful for such as, family, friends, home, work, or that Jesus saved…

Broken, Crushed, and Rebuilt
Have you ever been truly brokenhearted and crushed in spirit? Have you ever felt like the weight of the world was sitting on your shoulders, like you can’t bear one more thing? I understand. “The Lord is close to the…

Wounds and Scars
Do you have any wounds and scars? It is virtually impossible to go through this life without ever experiencing some type of wound , whether it be emotional, spiritual, or physical. When we were young, we ran, jumped, and played.…

Knowing God
Do you really know God? Or do you just know about God? There is a difference, and it matters. When Jesus walked this Earth, people “knew” who He was. They had heard about Him, seen Him, and heard Him teach.…

The Illusion of Time and Money
Have you ever thought about the value of your time here on this earth? I was recently reflecting on the life of my brother, who was dear to me. He was a man’s man. He seemed larger than life, to…

Wine, Diamonds, and The Resurrection
Are you feeling stressed under pressure? You don’t make wine until you squeeze grapes. Diamonds are made from coal under intense pressure. There is no Resurrection without the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. We all want the resurrection in our lives.…

3 Reasons Why “Good Friday” Good
So, why is Good Friday, good? After the Last Supper and Passover Feast, Jesus was taken into custody by the Jewish religious leaders. They were angered He referred to Himself as the Son of God and felt threatened by His…

What is Maundy Thursday?
Triumphal Entry Holy week begins with the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. On Sunday, Jesus rode into the city on a donkey. This was symbolic of his meekness and humility. He did not come clothed in royal regalia. He…

Unpopular, But Necessary
It may be unpopular to help others who are struggling and need help to get through a difficult situation, but it’s necessary. Jesus tells us in John 15:12, “This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have…

What Makes a Great Man?
So, what does it mean to be a great man and how do we become one? Men are called to pursue being the man that God designed them to be. Jesus Christ lived and walked this earth 2000 years ago.…